

“Our body is an exquisite instrument with immense potential, if we dedicate time to consciously tune it, the melody of our soul will sound more clearly. This is the song of our soul that sounds from within and dances its vibration to the outer world.

There resides within us an unlimited potential waiting to radiate and flourish in an exquisite dance that celebrates our eternal being”

-Nikki WilkinSun


Andalucia, the home of flamenco in Southern Spain is the perfect backdrop to run your own dance retreat or to join one of ours. The dojo with its sprung wooden floor of 10m by 6m is the perfect place to learn and practice new steps, dance and express yourself. Whatever type of dance you are looking to teach or learn at La Finca Paradiso, we have amazing teachers here who can offer DANCEMandala, Movement Medicine, Yogic Dance, Shakti Dance and Five Rhythms. 

To arrange a special week of Dance and Yoga for a larger group or individual lessons then please get in touch for more information.




Dancing the shields will teach you about the four directions and how each has a different rhythm that affects us and how we move.  This is an introduction into energetic and physical movement and will help to gain an understanding as to how we can shift energy and keep ourselves moving round and through the wheel of life. This will take place over four sessions throughout the week.


Yogic Dance is for every person who is looking for a deeper connection to their energetic, physical and spiritual body through movement meditation.  It stretches, softens, and releases the body, journeys to the inner world, heightens self awareness and calms the mind leaving you centred and connected to your core.  This way of work encourages the river of your life to flow towards the open ocean of the universe.


Ecstatic Dance is free-form dancing inspired and led by carefully curated music with the intention of creating a healing experience.  Dancers will experience ecstasy as well as a deeper connection to others. The dance is also a moving meditation and can help with stress, anxiety and remove stagnant energy.

Everyone needs and should honour themselves with some time out from their routine and go on a retreat. The finca is genuine paradise. The architecture, colours, light, the best food in the world formulated by the loving, nurturing people who run it.  I loved it and hope to be back.

Lisa October 2018